After my session was complete, I was exhausted. My body had moved in a way that I wasn't ready for, so my muscles ached and my bones didn't want to move anymore. However I was so excited that I went through with it all that my heart wouldn't stop beating. I couldn't wait to see them and it had only been an hour!!
Being a photographer I understood that it takes time to get the photos back, but I just didn't want to wait. It was two days after the session that I got a sneak peek into my session and I was so excited. That's when the relief fell off of me, I wasn't worried anymore, I knew they would turn out beautifully. So I forgot about them. They honestly didn't ever cross my mind unless hubby asked me about them or when Suzie finally sent me the proof link.
I made the huge mistake and started looking at my images by myself. I got to image 13 and started realizing that I wasn't happy with them. I was nit picking everything. Complaining about my small boobs, the extra hump around my hips, even the wideness of my body. I critiqued everything about myself. I didn't look at the big picture. That's when I closed the site. I decided that I had to love myself before I could look at my pictures. That took some time, but I came back to the screen with the thought that my husband and children love me just the way I am now. I need to embrace that idea and love my body that is presented before me.
So I re-evaluated my images. I looked at them like I look at my clients, I began to see the beauty in all my flaws...the stretch marks, those are there from every kick I received while they were in the womb. They remind me of all the cuddles I got, all the baby laughs and the beautiful memories of their infancy. My boobs may be loose, saggy and small, but that's because I fed my babies all the nutrients my body could make, in order to give them the best. And my body may be "thick" but that comes from enjoying a dinner and drink with my husband with laughter and memories instead of counting calories and worrying about whether I could fit into my size 6 jeans from high school.
After I saw myself in that beautiful light, my love for the pictures blossomed. They were just who I am. That's when it it me. What will Tyler think of these? I wanted so badly to show him, but I wanted to keep the surprise. I was so happy that I did keep it. When he saw them I got a string of "wow", "damn your hot", and "I'm a lucky lucky man". I couldn't have asked for a more amazing boost of self confidence. Not only did I think I was a great woman, but so did my husband!
Now that I've tackled my first one, I will be doing more and more of these. They are so invigorating, memorable and extremely needed for EVERY woman. So with this, I welcome you all; the survivors, the elderly, the young, the divorced, the married, the disabled, the beautiful women of this world, to embrace yourself and step into my studio.
Image provided by Sassy Suzie Glamour and Boudoir |