I gave up weddings for women a year ago and I have to say I will never go back. Don't get me wrong, I still love weddings. I love the meaning of them, the ceremony, the ruckus of it all. But there is something extraordinary about giving women their confidence, sex appeal, and self worth back.
I wanted all of my clients and potential clients to know that they're not alone in this. I wanted them to see that I too know how it feels to go from stay at home mom to a super model for a day. So I went and had my OWN boudoir session done.
I wanted it to be a gift to myself, with maybe a little something extra for my husband thrown in there too :) So I set up my appointment with
Suzie this past July. And I have to say that I forgot about for a little while. I put it on the back burner and got other things taken care of. However, every few days the thought would cross my mind and I would start plowing the Internet for lingerie that would look best on me. I went in EVERY direction possible. Then I had to take a step back and really think about what I wanted out of my session. Did I want it to be sultry? Did I want it to be more like role play and act out a pinup scene? Did I want it to be casual and laid back? No I wanted it to be some what sophisticated, classy, with a little naughty twist to it...like me.
That's when I decided on three outfits...and trust me it didn't take long for me to find what I wanted to wear once I had my mind sent on what I wanted the overall outcome to be. The first one is an outfit that MEANS something to me. It has history. Does it look the best on me? Not really, but when I see myself in it, I know there's something more to it than just a nightie. The second outfit, I found at a local clothing boutique
Lillian's. It was supposed to be a regular dress, but it was made out of this beautiful coral blue lace. And when I saw it, I saw myself in it IMMEDIATELY. The last outfit was simple. My best feature is by far my ass. So I wanted to focus on that, maybe add a little something extra. So I chose a black thong, and my black suit blazer. And I was set.
Then I started to get nervous. What shoes do I wear? What accessories do I bring? I kept thinking to myself "I have to make this look awesome because I am a boudoir photographer so my pictures have to be over the top amaze-balls." I stressed for weeks. I had been working out for months with nothing to show for it and I was no where near my goal weight. I would stay up at night, picturing horrible things happening at the session, the girls laughing at me...me having a weird smell...forgetting to shave...being extremely late. Anything and everything.
It was in one of those fits of nerves in the middle of the night, that it dawned on me. I'm taking these picture to showcase to myself who I am. Not who I want to be, or who my husband wants me to be, but who I am. Hopefully, a very sexy, classy, uber beautiful me, but all in all...ME. I need not worry about the 10 extra pounds. The little chub on the belly that just won't go away. That's who I am today. That's who my kids love, who my husband wants to come home to every night and who God loves. So why should I fret over changing it?
The night before we left for Minot, I drank all the water I could and then finished off the evening with a glass of wine. And I couldn't sleep. I had to pee all night long and then I was so excited I reminded myself of the kids in the Disney commercial "I'M TOO EXCITED TO SLEEP!" When the morning came to leave for Minot. I was super happy that I chose to bring a great friend (and an amazing co-worker) with me to my session. We talked the entire way there about what I should expect, what I was worried about...what she was worried about..HAHA! And then we just had a great girl chat. It was awesome to have that before I disrobed! We talked and laughed so hard that it seemed like no time at all had passed and we were in Minot.
Want to see what my session turned out to look like and my reaction to my images? Follow my blog or like me on Facebook to stay updated on Megan Wold Photography's events, specials, and session reviews.
Me after my session. It's amazing how sexy you feel with a ton of makeup on and false eyelashes! |